西班牙语  |

Last updated April 15, 2024

In addition to regular screenings and check-ups, early detection is one of the best weapons against cancer. You can pick up on early warning signs by paying close attention to changes in your body.

If you notice something new or different that lasts 几个 weeks – and 几个 weeks is key – reach out to your health care provider. Not every symptom that could be cancer is cancer. But here are 17 symptoms that may warrant a call to your doctor:

1. Abnormal periods or pelvic pain

Most women have the occasional irregular period or cramps. But persistent pain or changes in your cycle can be a sign of cervical, uterine or ovarian cancer.

2. Changes in bathroom habits

Significant changes in bodily functions can indicate colon, prostate or bladder cancer, 在其他癌症中. Warning signs include persistent constipation or diarrhea; black or red blood in your stool; black, tarry stools; more frequent urination; and blood in your urine.

3. 腹胀

We all feel bloated now and then. But bloating for more than two weeks can be a sign of ovarian cancer, as well as various gastrointestinal cancers.

4. 乳房变化

These include a new lump, 起涟漪, 变色的, changes around the nipple or unusual discharge that you didn't have before. Although most breast cancer occurs in women, men can develop it too.

5. 慢性咳嗽

A cough that persists for more than two weeks, especially a dry cough, can be a sign of lung cancer.

6. 慢性头痛

A headache that lasts more than two weeks and doesn't respond to the usual medications can be caused by a brain tumor.

7. 吞咽困难

If you feel as though food is getting stuck in your throat or you have trouble swallowing for more than two weeks, this can be a sign of throat, 肺癌或胃癌.

8. 过度的瘀伤

A bruise on the shin from bumping into the coffee table is normal. But suddenly getting a lot of bruises in unusual places that haven't been bumped can indicate various blood cancers.

9. Frequent fevers or infections

Spiking a fever over and over, or going from one infection to the next can indicate an immune system that's been rendered more susceptible by lymphoma or leukemia.

10. 口腔变化

Persistent sores or lesions or painful areas in the mouth, especially in people who smoke or drink heavily, can indicate various oral cancers.

11. 皮肤的变化

A shift in the appearance of a mole or birthmark should be assessed by a health care provider, either in person or through a video visit. To remember which changes are cause for concern, use this easy mnemonic, 中的.

Asymmetry: One half of the mole or mark doesn't look like the other.

Border: The edges are irregular or blurred.

Color: It’s varied or inconsistent, both black and brown.

Diameter: It's larger than the size of a pencil eraser.

Evolving: This refers to any mole that grows, bleeds or otherwise changes over time.

12. 持续的痛苦

Persistent pain anywhere in your body that has no clear cause and doesn't respond to standard treatments should be evaluated.

13. 持续的疲劳

突然, lasting change in your energy level, no matter how much sleep you've been getting, can be a sign of leukemia or lymphoma.

14. 绝经后出血

There are a number of reasons for this, 但如果这种情况持续下去, your doctor may want to check for cervical or uterine cancer.

15. 胃痛或恶心

Unusual discomfort that lasts more than two weeks can 成为…的警告信号 liver, pancreatic or various digestive system cancers.

16. Unexplained weight loss

体重波动. But the loss of pounds when you're not trying, or the loss of your appetite, can indicate many types of cancers, especially ones that have spread.

17. 不寻常的肿块

Any new lump or mass that doesn't go away should be evaluated. Lymph nodes often become swollen when you have a cold, but if the swelling persists after you're well, you should contact your doctor.