
集群 头痛


集群 headaches are recurring attacks of excruciating pain on one side of the head, 常在眼后. The pain may extend to the forehead, nose, cheek, upper jaw or back of the head on the same side. The attacks often happen multiple times per day, with each attack lasting less than three hours, 即使没有治疗. 最常, the attacks occur every day for several weeks or months and then subside for a period, though for some people the attacks can continue for months or even years.

Men have cluster headaches three to four times more often than women. Generally, this condition does not run in families.


Our headache specialists – neurologists who focus on treating headaches –provide comprehensive assessments and care. 治疗 include medications that interrupt cluster headache cycles and halt individual cluster headache attacks. We see patients from around the world who have difficult-to-treat headache disorders, and are committed to delivering effective care with the utmost compassion and respect. 在需要的时候, our specialists work closely with other experts at UCSF, 比如替代医学提供者, 更好地管理丛集性头痛.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

集群 headache attacks may occur nearly every day or several times a day for weeks or months and then disappear for months or even years. Attacks may last from 15 minutes to three hours, and often occur during the night.

There are two kinds of cluster headache: episodic and chronic. Those suffering from episodic cluster headaches have relatively long, 头痛之间的无痛缓解. Chronic cluster headache sufferers do not have long remissions. 如果在过去一年或更长时间, you have had only one month or less of relief between headache attacks, 你可能患有慢性丛集性头痛. About 10 percent of people with cluster headaches are considered chronic sufferers.

Other 症状, which typically occur on the same side as the pain, include:

  • 眼睛发红或含泪
  • 流鼻涕或鼻塞
  • 面部肿胀


集群 headaches are characterized by a specific type of pain and pattern of attacks. 保持一个 头痛杂志 是追踪位置的好方法吗, 严重程度 and 持续时间 of pain; medications; and possible headache triggers.

A physical exam may help your doctor detect signs of a cluster headache. One of your pupils may appear smaller than the other or your eyelid may droop.

If your doctor suspects a tumor or aneurysm, he or she may order one or more of the following tests:

  • 计算机断层扫描(CT). A CT扫描 uses a thin X-ray beam that rotates around the area being examined. A computer processes data to construct a 3-D, cross-sectional image.
  • 磁共振成像(核磁共振成像). An 核磁共振成像 使用磁性, 无线电波和计算机技术, 而不是x光, 生成你大脑的图像. 在适当的情况下, 核磁共振成像 and other imaging procedures allows doctors to actually see how the larger structures in the brain are involved during migraine and headache.


Taking medications to prevent cluster headaches before they occur is typically the most effective treatment for cluster headaches. 这些药物包括:

  • 钙通道阻滞剂. 钙通道阻滞剂, 比如维拉帕米, which relax the muscles in the walls of your blood vessels, 可能有助于预防丛集性头痛.
  • 抗癫痫药物. Medications used to control seizures in conditions such as epilepsy may be prescribed to help control cluster headaches. These include divalproex topiramate and gabapentin.
  • 锂. This medication may help prevent chronic and episodic cluster headaches.
  • 糖皮质激素. These anti-inflammatory drugs, such as prednisone, may provide relief from headache pain.

If your doctor prescribes medication, be sure to ask:

  • 这种药应该多久吃一次
  • If the medication should be taken with meals or on an empty stomach
  • What to do if pain or other 症状 persist

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



保持一个 头痛杂志 是追踪位置的好方法吗, 严重程度, 持续时间, and any medications that may trigger headaches. 了解更多.

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